Predavanje u sklopu završne izložbe projekta Zajednički fotografski narativi u Osijeku

Sažeta kronologija osječke fotografije predavanje četvrtak, 10. 11. 2022., 19.00 Muzej likovnih umjetnosti, Osijek (i online) U četvrtak, 10. studenog u Muzeju likovnih umjetnosti u Osijeku održat će se predavanje “Sažeta kronologija osječke fotografije” kao dio popratnog programa završne izložbe projekta Zajednički fotografski narativi. Predavanje će se moći pratiti online putem Facebook live-a na službenim…


Vlado Martek: “In search of meaning(s)”

November 14th – December 16th 2022 The Spot Gallery and the Office for Photography announce the exhibition In search of meaning(s) by the conceptual artist Vlado Martek. The exhibition opening will be held on 14th November at 7 p.m. In search of meaning(s) For me, the linear adventure of recording by means photography as a…


What do I remember when I think about Manfred Willmann?

Photo: Tena Starčević   Over the past years, I came across his works at several exhibitions; sometimes they were collective, more often independent. On one occasion, I saw a wall covered with numerous photographs from his most famous series Das Land, taken between 1981 and 1993. Shot in a completely simple way, using flash even…


The exhibition of renowned Austrian photographer Manfred Willmann

September 26h – October 14th 2022 Spot Gallery, Office for Photography, Čanićeva Street 6, Zagreb The Spot Gallery and the Office for Photography announce the exhibition by the austrian artist Manfred Willmann. The exhibition opening will be held on 26th September at 7 p.m. Manfred Willmann, from: “Schwarz und Gold”, 1979.   The exhibition of renowned Austrian…


Mia Cvitković: “We shouldn’t be late for lunch”

June 20h – July 1st 2022 The Spot Gallery, the Office for Photography and the Academy of Dramatic Art announce the exhibition We shouldn’t be late for lunch by the young artist Mia Cvitković. The exhibition opening will be held on 20th June at 7 p.m. Mia Cvitković, We shouldn’t be late for lunch, 2020….


Call for exhibition proposals in Spot Gallery for 2023

Sandra Vitaljić, I Just Greet Back, Spot Gallery, 2021., photo: Davor Konjikušić Office for Photography and Spot Gallery are inviting artists and curators to apply to the call for exhibition proposals for 2023. The deadline for project proposals is July 1st, 2022 (by the end of that day). The call is primarily intended for artists and…


Darko Bavoljak “Future” (Pakrac, Lipik) 1992 vs. Bojan Mrđenović “Future” (2011–2018)

May 4th – May 26th 2022 The Spot Gallery and the Office for Photography invite you to the opening of Darko Bavoljak and Bojan Mrđenović‘s exhibition. The opening will be held on Wednesday, 4th May, at 7 p.m., accompanied by a conversation with the authors and a guided tour of the exhibition (at 8 p.m.)….


Filip Milković at Spot Gallery – “Spring Cleaning”

February 28h – March 25th 2022 The Spot Gallery and the Office for Photography announce the exhibition Spring Cleaning by the young artist Filip Milković. The exhibition opening will be held on 28th September at 7 p.m. Filip Milković, I haven’t been anywhere and I haven’t seen anything, 2019. “The process of creating a series of…


Exhibition The Horizon at the Spot Gallery

  29th Nov – 17th Dec, 2021     The Spot Gallery and the Office for Photography invite you to the opening of artist Ana Mušćet’s exhibition The Horizon. The exhibition for the first time presents fragments of the artist’s three-year-long artistic research in the area of the Vukovar-Srijem County relating to the missing and…


Exhibition “Dear friends, dear enemies” at Spot Gallery

  18 October – 12 November 2021   The Spot Gallery and the Office for Photography announce the exhibition “Dear friends, dear enemies”. The exhibition opening will be held on 18th October at 7 p.m.     Dear friends, dear enemies, if the calculations are correct, mangelos no. 14 ½ is today a globally relevant…
