
Open call for the 2nd International Student Biennial of Art of Book [s]BUK2

Students’ City Cultural Center (SCCC) in cooperation with the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade (FAA) and the Artget Gallery of Cultural Center of Belgrade opens an call for participation in the 2nd International Student Biennial of Art of Book [s]BUK2.


The theme of biennial [s]BUK2 is free, and the call is open in two categories:

  • BOOKS: limited edition books with high artistic range of research, books that push the boundaries of the category
  • PHOTO BOOKS: limited edition books that use photography as a unique visual narrative, books that push the boundaries of a book by exploring the space of communication between two media – photographs and books


Works which have been created during the last three years can be submitted to the competition.


The application is made by sending documentation to and should contain:

  • completed form containing: information about the participant (name and surname, name of the university, name of the faculty, study program, year of study, mentor on the project, category for which the student is applying, name of the work, year of origin, short concept of the work, address to which works are returned and catalog is sent, an e-mail, special note about the work, if any)
  • up to 10 photographs of the submitted work that clearly represent all aspects of the work
  • completed statement of authorship 


The deadline for electronic submission of applications is 1st July 2020.


The exhibition of the International Student Biennial of Art of Book [s]BUK2 will be organized at the Gallery of Students’ City Cultural Center and at the Artget Cultural Gallery of Cultural Center of Belgrade.


For the full text of the call and to download the application form visit the link.



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